Saturday, April 16, 2016

Spring 'Greening'

I make no secret about how much I love the cleaners we use in our home.  I discovered this amazing, concentrated cleaner one day when I took to the internet to search for a natural cleaner.  One that was safe around my kids, didn't require me to have the windows open for ventilation when using it, was safe for all the surfaces in our house, was budget friendly,

It was definitely a tall order.

Funny how we stumble upon things when we least expect it, right?!  See my purpose in sitting down at the computer that day was to look for a cleaner.  After a few minutes of searching for something I was sure I'd never find, I got a little side tracked by different blogs.  (Is that typical for you, too?)

One blog sucked me right in and it was so much fun looking at all the things this blogger was doing- finishing their basement, cute posts of her kids, and getting things ready for a big yard sale.  And then there was one sentence that caught my eye.  She was using a natural cleaner to clean up some furniture she was getting ready to sell.  A cleaner she had been using for years with a link in the post to buy my own.  Bingo!

That was about 3 years ago.  Did you know I still have my original bottle I ordered that day?

Would you like to know why I still have the original bottle?  Believe me, it's not for nostalgia sake.  It's because I'm still trying to get through the whole thing!  That's right - that lovely little arrow on the picture is pointing to the level of cleaner I still have in my original bottle purchased 3 years ago!

This is the only all-purpose cleaner I use in our home, too.  How many bottles of cleaner have you purchased in the past 3 years?  This one cleaner makes my glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner and degreaser just by simply mixing different amounts of the concentrated cleaner with plain water.  Super easy and very economical - two things we can all appreciate!  Not only is Basic H2 an all-natural, organic cleaner it's also naturally anti-microbial!

Even if you only purchase one window cleaner, one all-purpose cleaner and one degreaser in a year, you would still spend more than if you purchase one bottle of Basic H2 concentrate.

There's another reason switching our house hold cleaners has made such a difference in our family.  Did you know the cleaners you use can have a direct result on your families respiratory health?  Ever check the warning labels on your cleaners?  This is something that other families have seen a huge difference in after switching their cleaners.

For our family, we saw a quick difference with allergies in all the kids and chronic coughs in our two youngest.  Once we switched, I no longer had teachers contacting me about the little ones having trouble staying on task and keeping with the class because they were coughing all through school.  No more having to go to the pediatrician {at 20 bucks a pop} to be told to try another type of allergy medicine that just didn't work.  No more dealing with chronic sinus infections for our oldest and youngest daughters and having to get prescription after prescription to help relieve the hurt that goes along with all of that.

So, are you curious to learn more?  My team would love to have you join us April 22nd at our Facebook event in honor of Earth Day.

Here we will be sharing the background of the Shaklee cleaning products, uses, some great before and afters, and so much more!  These cleaners are so versatile you will never need to bring a harsh, chemical cleaner into your home again!

This is an absolute, no-obligation event!  However, it's a great way to get your questions asked and find out more about what so many of us have discovered in these natural, non-toxic cleaners that work to keep our homes clean without being a harm to our families or the environment.

Can't wait to see you there!!

Keep loving Life!

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